Instructor Details

Diana Proud-Madruga
Unity San Diego
9425 El Tejado Rd
La Mesa, CA, USA - 91941
Trainer: Chaplain Dick Millspaugh | Level: L1
(619) 244-1934
Diana has a BA in psychology and is certified to teach and coach PAIRS, Parent Effectiveness Training (PET), and The Q-Process: The art and practice of nothing and no one against you. Diana was introduced to PAIRS about three years ago, shortly after going through a painful divorce. She was determined to learn what it takes to create healthy, loving, resilient relationships. She had two purposes in mind: 1) She wanted to ensure she had the tools she needed to succeed in her next relationship, and 2) she wanted to help her son learn tools that would help him to not make the same mistakes as his parents. Thanks to skills taught in PAIRS, she is now in a wonderfully healthy loving relationship. Additionally, she has found that these tools have benefited not just her intimate relationship but her relationships with her parents, son, friends, and co-workers.

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